Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Anita Tucker at SFW

Sha’alvim for Women was privileged to host Mrs. Anita Tucker on Tuesday evening. We heard Mrs. Tucker’s moving story about what it was like living in Gush Katif for 29 years and raising a family and a vegetable-raising and packing business there. 

She also told us the story of the disengagement from her first-hand experience and what is was like to live in temporary lodging in dormitories for almost a year before settling in the community’s temporary quarters in Kibbutz Ein Tzurim.

Mrs. Tucker works today helping the Gush Katif communities retain their unique character of Torah-and-Land of Israel values, friendly communal relations, and pioneering spirit. She also speaks around the world about the difficulties that the Gush Katif people overcame in order to remain united and receive compensation, in the form of land and housing, for their homes in Gush Katif.

Mrs. Tucker also won the Moskowitz Prize for Zionism in 2010. The Moskowitz Prize, founded by Dr. Irving and Cherna Moskowitz, was “established in recognition of the people who put Zionism into action in today's Israeli society -- at times risking their own personal security, placing the collective interest before personal needs, and doing what it takes to ensure a strong, secure Jewish homeland.”