Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baruch Dayan HaEmmett

With profound sadness we note the tragic passing of Dr. Vera Hornstein, ז"ל wife of Alex Hornstein יב"ל and mother of Avi Hornstein יב"ל and Moti Hornstein, ז"ל in whose memory the overseas program at Yeshivat Sha’alvim is named.

The Hornstein family has been a pillar of support and guidance to Yeshivat Sha’alvim for decades and were instrumental in the founding of Sha’alvim for Women more than 7 years ago.

Shiva for Vera Hornstein z'l will be at her home in Yerushalayim:
2 Ro'eh Tzon, Apt. 6, David's Village/Mamilla
H) 02-623-3541

Thurs. 7 pm (Mincha/Maariv around 7:15)
Fri - Shacharit at 7am
Sitting until between 4 and 5 on Friday
בלע המות לנצח ומחה ה' אלקים דמעה מעל כל פנים וחרפת עמו יסיר מעל כל פנים וחרפת עמו יסיר מעל כל-הארץ כי ה' דבר