Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mazal Tov to SFW’s Basketball Team!

Mazal Tov to SFW’s Basketball Team for making it to the championship game to be held this Monday night.

For many Monday nights this year, our formidable basketball team has been playing in the Women’s-Only Seminary basketball league sponsored by Stern College for Women. They played against their friends in all of the other seminaries.  

We congratulate them on making it to the championship game this Monday night against Midreshet HaRova!

B’hatzlacha to Liz Berg, Shosh Grad, Noa Jerusalem, Daniella Litwin, Sherri Luxenburg, Shoshi Moradi, and Elana Trombka and to all their fans!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mazal Tov to Racheli Abboudi!

Mazal Tov to Racheli Abboudi (SFW ’09, ‘10) on her engagement to Dovi Barris!

שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל

For other announcements see the scrolling list on our homepage or click here

Shiur on Parshat Bamidbar

Please click below to read a shiur on Parshat Bamidbar (in Hebrew) from the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yechezkel Yaakovson, shlit”a

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shiur on Parshat Bamidbar

Please click here to hear a shiur on Parshat Bamidbar (in Hebrew) from the S’gan Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aryeh Hendler, shlit”a

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mazal Tov to Daniella Neiman (SFW ’08)!

Mazal Tov to Daniella Neiman (SFW ’08) on her engagement to David Spier

שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל

For other announcements see the scrolling list on our homepage or click here

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mazal tov to Rav Dovid Lebor!

Mazal tov to Rav Dovid Lebor and his family on the birth of a granddaughter to Almog and Raphael Lebor!

שיזכו לגדלה לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים

For other announcements see the scrolling list on our homepage or click here

Friday, May 20, 2011

Shiurim on Yom Haatzmaut

Even though Yom Haatzmaut was last week, the Torah and inspiration continues….

Please click here to hear a shiur on Yom Haatzmaut (in Hebrew) from the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yechezkel Yaakovson, shlit”a

Please click here to hear a shiur on Yom Haatzmaut (in Hebrew) from the S’gan Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aryeh Hendler, shlit”a

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here.

Shiur on Pesach Sheni

Please click below to read a shiur on Pesach Sheni (in Hebrew) from the S’gan Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aryeh Hendler, shlit”a

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sha’alvim’s New York Office is Moving

Please be advised that Sha’alvim’s New York office is moving this week to a new location that, G-d willing, will be even more equipped to serve our past, present and future students.

Please make note of their new address:
1716 Coney Island Avenue, Suite 3F Brooklyn, NY 11230

Their phone numbers will remain the same:
Tel) (718) 677-7200
Fax) (718) 677-3080

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mrs. Toby Einhorn Swims the Kinneret!

We are proud of our teacher, Mrs. Toby Einhorn, who will be swimming the Kinneret with the “Swim 4 Sadnat Shiluv” Women’s Swim-a-thon next week!

Click below to read more......!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

SFW at Latrun

SFW paid a visit to Latrun, the strategic hilltop near Sha’alvim overlooking the roads to Yerushalayim and the site of fierce battles throughout Jewish history. From the days of Yehoshua (chap. 10) all the way through to 1967, Latrun has been a part of every major battle. Today, Latrun is the IDF’s Armored Corps Memorial Site and Museum.

At Latrun, we had a very memorable time learning about the various eras of Jewish and world history through the eyes of this beautiful and special place. We also heard some of Rabbi Goldsmith’s memories of his time spent served in the IDF’s Armored Corps.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Shiur on Parshat Behar

Please click here to hear a shiur on Parshat Behar (in Hebrew) from the S’gan Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aryeh Hendler, shlit”a

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mazal Tov to Sha’alvim High School Student Shlomo Edelman

Mazal Tov to Shlomo Edelman, this year’s winner of Israel’s Chidon HaTanach (National Bible Contest). Shlomo is a student at Sha’alvim’s Boys High School and is a resident of Sha’alvim’s neighbor-community Nof Ayalaon.

For more information about Sha’alvim’s boys high school, click here.
For more information about this year’s Chidon HaTanach, click here.

Save the Date!

Save the Date: Join us at Sha’alvim’s 50th Anniversary Dinner, Monday, June 20, 2011 in New York City!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baruch Dayan HaEmmett

With profound sadness we note the tragic passing of Dr. Vera Hornstein, ז"ל wife of Alex Hornstein יב"ל and mother of Avi Hornstein יב"ל and Moti Hornstein, ז"ל in whose memory the overseas program at Yeshivat Sha’alvim is named.

The Hornstein family has been a pillar of support and guidance to Yeshivat Sha’alvim for decades and were instrumental in the founding of Sha’alvim for Women more than 7 years ago.

Shiva for Vera Hornstein z'l will be at her home in Yerushalayim:
2 Ro'eh Tzon, Apt. 6, David's Village/Mamilla
H) 02-623-3541

Thurs. 7 pm (Mincha/Maariv around 7:15)
Fri - Shacharit at 7am
Sitting until between 4 and 5 on Friday
בלע המות לנצח ומחה ה' אלקים דמעה מעל כל פנים וחרפת עמו יסיר מעל כל פנים וחרפת עמו יסיר מעל כל-הארץ כי ה' דבר

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rav Waxman at SFW

Rav Ari Waxman, Dean of the Moty Hornstein Overseas Program at Yeshivat Sha’alvim, delivered a very powerful sicha last week entitled “Anticipation: Pre-Requisite for Geulah.” 

In addition to offering his analysis of the Rambam regarding our role in bringing the ultimate redemption, he also read a powerful speech that Former-President of Israel Ezer Weizman delivered to Germany’s congress in 1996. Rav Waxman, with his gift of erudition and eloquence, “completed” and updated President Weizman’s speech for the 2011. 

Click below to read President Weizman's speech in its entirety.....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Shiur on Parshat Emor

Click here to listen to a shiur (in Hebrew) from S’gan Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aryeh Hendler Shlit”a in Hebrew on the Parsha.

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here

Why We Need a Land - Thoughts for Yom Haatzmaut

On Parshat Acharei Mot of this year, Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks wrote a beautiful and impassioned piece about our connection and responsibilities to the Land of Israel. As we approach this coming week the very powerful days of Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut, please enjoy….

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mazal Tov to Rifka Weider (SFW ’05, ’06)!

Mazal Tov to Rifka Weider (SFW ’05, ’06) on her engagement to Taco Miretzky

שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל

For other announcements see the scrolling list on our homepage or click here

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Upcoming Alumni Shiur

Rav Reuven Ungar, our Director of Alumni affairs, will be delivering a shiur TONIGHT on the Topic of Kiddush Hashem.  

The shiur will take place at 736 W 187th Street (The Bennett) Apt 604, at 8:00 PM.

Mazal tov to Shani Sicherman (Barth) (SFW ’07)!

Mazal tov to Shani Sicherman (Barth) (SFW ’07) and her husband Zack on the birth of a baby girl!

שיזכו לגדלה לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים

For other announcements see the scrolling list on our homepage or click here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mazal Tov to Sara Gross (SFW ‘09)

Mazal Tov to Sara Gross (SFW ‘09) on her engagement to Zack Lubat

שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל

For other announcements see the scrolling list on our homepage or click here