Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dr. Esther Shkop at SFW

Dr. Esther Shkop visited SFW this week to delivered a riveting sicha about the hidden messages of Tehillim Perek 8. Using rigorous literary analysis and traditional sources, Dr. Shkop uncovered layer after layer in this fascinating mizmor.  

To listen to the shiur, please click here.

Dr. Esther Shkop is Dean of the Blitstein Institute of Hebrew Theological College, and Associate Professor of Bible. She has a Ph.D. in Public Policy Analysis, a Masters in Biblical Studies and a B.A. in English Lit and Philosophy. 

SFW's Guest Speaker Program for 5775 is sponsored by the Steinbock Family of London “in honour of Gabriella’s (SFW ‘14) fantastic year at SFW.”