Monday, August 22, 2011

SFW Faculty Highlight: Mrs. Leora Bednarsh

At Sha’alvim for Women, we are very proud of our incredible faculty. From time to time on the blog, we highlight some of these SFW tremendous mechanchim and mechanchot.

Leora Bednarsh holds degrees in Psychology and Linguistics from Princeton University. She has lectured at MaTaN in Talmud, Tanach and Halacha and has served as a scholar-in-residence at numerous locations in the United States. A recipient of awards for Jewish Education and academic achievement, Mrs. Bednarsh completed the Keren Ariel program for Yoatzot Halacha at Nishmat.and has taught Jewish studies at Yeshiva of Flatbush. She also serves on the Nishmat Hotline and teaches a Kallah Teacher Training Course at the Midrashiya at Yeshiva University's Gruss Campus in Israel.

To view other SFW Faculty Highlights, please click here or click on the following links to learn more about SFW's wonderful faculty and administration!