The day began with a fascinating Yom Iyun exploring various aspects of Yerushalayim......
First, we were treated to a powerful sicha from Sha'alvim's Lt. Colonel (res.) Tzvi Kasspi about personal recollections growing up in the Old City of Jerusalem, joining the army and fighting for the IDF in 1967 as part of the brigade that secured Latrun. His stories were sometimes painful, especially when he recounted the losses his unit incurred during the fighting. But his narrative was primarily uplifting. For example, describing what it felt like to live in pre-war Jerusalem, was particularly unforgettable.
Mr. Kasspi has lived in, worked with and fought for Sha’alvim since 1955.
Please click here to listen, in Hebrew
Mr. Kasspi has lived in, worked with and fought for Sha’alvim since 1955.
Please click here to listen, in Hebrew
Rav Assaf Bednarsh, the Ruth Buchbinder Mitzner Chair in Talmud and Jewish Law at YU's Gruss Kollel in Jerusalem (and husband of SFW's Mrs. Leora Bednarsh), delivered a shiur entitled "Which Shevet 'Owns' Jerusalem?".
Please click here to listen.
Please click here to listen.
SFW's Menahel, Rav Yamin Goldsmith delivered a sicha with pictures, maps and videos, about the historical background and summary of the Six Day War entitled, "Miracles in Six Days".
Please click here to listen.
Please click here for pictures!