Thursday, March 26, 2015

Disposing of Your Chametz

If you are interested in a VERY brief outline of some of the halachot that pertain to disposing of your chametz, please click here

Please remember a few things:

1) This is only an outline. Many halachot, describing details that may be specific to your situation (e.g. medications), may not be included here.

2) We strongly recommend that you get used to - and feel comfortable with - asking competent halachic authorities any questions you may have. This includes people in SFW, the Rabbi of your shul, etc. etc.

3) If you need to make any changes to your shtar for chametz selling, please do so before Tuesday evening, 11 Nissan (March 31). 8:00 PM Israel time. Please email Rabbi Goldsmith ( any changes you may have before then.

Have a Chag kasher v'sameach!