Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SFW Volunteers for the I.D.F.

On Monday, the students of SFW were “called to duty” by the I.D.F. to contribute of their time and energy to help our soldiers. 

SFW answered the call…. and then some!

The I.D.F. "Sar El" Division, responsible for organizing I.D.F. volunteers, contacted SFW and asked if we could help pack field rations to replenish those used during Operation Pillar of Cloud. We were told that the work was incredibly essential, very timely but also quite strenuous. 

We were not daunted!

After more than 7 hours of tough work (and much laughter), we produced many, many boxes (the army asked us not to reveal the exact amount!) to be used, G-d forbid, in a time of crisis. 

Please click here for more pictures of this incredible experience!

Colonel Tiran, the commander of the base, praised our girls and their selfless efforts for the men and women of the I.D.F. He thanked the girls and said that SFW "has much to be proud of these lovely girls! They worked hard and responsibly. I cannot remember a more productive day since the Operation began." 

The work was indeed hard and strenuous (and, admittedly, fun). Yet it was unforgettable as well! We thank our Director of Student Programming, Elisheva Frist, for coordinating the day. And, most important, we thank our students for their kindness!

Kol Hakavod!