In our latest chapter of our continuing Shiurim
v’Siyurim Program, we walked this week “In Search of the Shechinah” by
walking in the footsteps of Shmuel Hanavi.
We visited Shiloh,
the “temporary” sight of the Mishkan (for almost 400 years!) and learned about the
centrality of the Mishkan in those days and the transition to the Beit
Hammikdash in Yerushalayim.
We also went to Psagot where we learned about the
significance of the geographic position of Shevet Binyamin. We also visited the
Nachalat Binyamin
Visitors Center
(click here)
located on the main road between Jerusalem and Shiloh.
Our siyur was led by the newest addition to the SFW
staff, Mrs. Shani Taragin. Shani, who is known for her superlative teaching of
Tanach, is equally successful in teaching in the “wall-less” classroom of the
great outdoors of Eretz Yisrael!