Friday, March 29, 2013

Reminder: Daylight Savings Time in Israel began this morning, March 29, 2013.

This morning, clocks moved forward to 3:00 AM.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Chag Sameach!

On behalf of everyone at Shaalvim for Women, we wish you a Chag Kasher v’Sameach!

As we celebrate zman cheiruteinu, may we all be zocheh to freedom from our own Mitzrayim / metzarim, our personal limitations in our avodat Hashem.

And, as we celebrate our national exodus, may Hashem grant personal and national salvation for all of Klal Yisrael - wherever they may be - from all of the dangers and perils in which we find ourselves: המקום ירחם עליהם ויוציאם מצרה לרוחה ומאפלה לאורה ומשעבוד לגאולה השתא בעגלא ובזמן קריב

Sunday, March 24, 2013

S.E.M. Torah - Pesach

Please click here to listen to S.E.M. Torah for this week.... special Pesach edition

For more S.E.M. Torah, please click here

S.E.M. Torah is a series of brief divrei Torah delivered by various members of the faculty of Sha’alvim for Women. S.E.M. stands (good-humoredly) for "Squeezing Every Minute" and represents an important philosophy at SFW: every minute counts and every minute can be used productively. Torah must be learned deeply and profoundly on the highest levels possible. However, even when you find that you have only a few moments, we believe that opportunities - like listening to this S.E.M. Torah - are always available…. if you know where to look!

Daylight Savings Time in Israel Begins This Friday

Reminder: Daylight Savings Time in Israel will begin this coming Friday morning, March 29, 2013.

On Friday at 2:00 AM, clocks will move forward to 3:00 AM.

Shiur on the Haggada: "Seder at the Seder"

Please click here to listen to a shiur on the Haggada entitled "Seder at the Seder" from the Menahel, Rav Yamin Goldsmith

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

S.E.M. Torah - Parshat Tzav

Please click here to listen to S.E.M. Torah for this week.

For more S.E.M. Torah, please click here

S.E.M. Torah is a series of brief divrei Torah delivered by various members of the faculty of Sha’alvim for Women. S.E.M. stands (good-humoredly) for "Squeezing Every Minute" and represents an important philosophy at SFW: every minute counts and every minute can be used productively. Torah must be learned deeply and profoundly on the highest levels possible. However, even when you find that you have only a few moments, we believe that opportunities - like listening to this S.E.M. Torah - are always available…. if you know where to look!

Shiur on the Haggada

Please click here to listen to a shiur (in Hebrew) on the Haggada from the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yechezkel Yaakovson, shlit”a.

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mazal Tov to Eliana Zelman (Hollander) (SFW ‘08 ‘09)!

Mazal Tov to Eliana Zelman (Hollander) (SFW ‘08 09) and her husband on the birth of a baby boy!

שיזכו לגדלו לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים

For other announcements see the scrolling list on our homepage or click here

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pesach “Tele-Conference” Shiurim for Alumni

We are thrilled this year to once again offer a series of Pesach “Tele-Conference” shiurim to our alumni around the world!

Please join us for the following shiurim (see below for call-in instructions):

Monday, March 18th
Rabbi Baruch Felberman: “Pesach Themes in the Writings of the Slonimer Rebbe”

Israel: 2:30 PM
Johannesburg: 2:30 PM
London: 12:30 PM
New York: 8:30 AM
Chicago: 7:30 AM
Los Angeles: 5:30 AM

Wednesday, March 20th / Thursday March 21st
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: “Passover or Pesach?”

Israel: 5:00 AM (Thursday)
Johannesburg: 5:00 AM (Thursday)
London: 3:00 AM (Thursday)
New York: 11:00 PM (Wednesday)
Chicago: 10:00 PM (Wednesday)
Los Angeles: 8:00 PM (Wednesday)

Thursday, March 21st / Friday March 22nd
Rabbi Gershon Turetsky: “Review of Hilchot Chol Hamoed + All New Haggadah Insights”

Israel : 2:00 AM (Friday)
Johannesburg: 2:00 AM (Friday)
London: 12:00 AM (Friday)
New York: 8:00 PM (Thursday)
Chicago: 7:00 PM (Thursday)
Los Angeles: 8:00 PM (Thursday)

To participate in the conference call, please follow these instructions….

Conference Dial-in Number:

From Israel: 076-599-0100
From the USA559-546-1301
From Canada559-546-1333
From the UK: 784-843-2915 (NOTE: This is a mobile dial-in number. Please check with your phone provider for mobile calling rates.)
From South Africa: 87-825-0140
From Australia: 1-300-781-250

When prompted, for the Access Code, press 966023 followed by the # key.

After that, you’re in!

Please press *6 to mute your line. Press *6 again to un-mute the line.

We’re looking forward to learning with you!

Friday, March 15, 2013

S.E.M. Torah - Vayikra 5773

Please click here to listen to S.E.M. Torah for this week.

For more S.E.M. Torah, please click here

S.E.M. Torah is a series of brief divrei Torah delivered by various members of the faculty of Sha’alvim for Women. S.E.M. stands (good-humoredly) for "Squeezing Every Minute" and represents an important philosophy at SFW: every minute counts and every minute can be used productively. Torah must be learned deeply and profoundly on the highest levels possible. However, even when you find that you have only a few moments, we believe that opportunities - like listening to this S.E.M. Torah - are always available…. if you know where to look!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Shiur on Parshat Vayikra

Please click here to listen to a shiur (in Hebrew) on the Parsha from the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yechezkel Yaakovson, shlit”a.

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here. 

Shiur on the Haggada

Please click here to listen to a shiur (in Hebrew) on the Haggadah from the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yechezkel Yaakovson, shlit”a.

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here. 

Scene's from SFW: Pre-Pesach Yom Iyun and Matza Baking

For the latest "Scenes from SFW", especially for SFW's Pre-Pesach Yim Iyun and Matza Baking, please click here!

For more.... click here!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Essay on Equality in Sharing the Burden

Please click here to read a summary of a sicha (translated into English) by the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yechezkel Yaakovson, shlit”a and translated by Rabbi Reuven Ungar. 

The topic of the sicha relates to a crucial topic in today's current events in Israel, "Equality in Sharing the Burden."

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Shiur on Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei

Please click here to listen to a shiur (in Hebrew) on the parsha from the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yechezkel Yaakovson, shlit”a.

For other shiurim at Sha’alvim, please click here. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

S.E.M. Torah - Vayakhel-Pekudei

Please click here to listen to S.E.M. Torah for this week.

For more S.E.M. Torah, please click here

S.E.M. Torah is a series of brief divrei Torah delivered by various members of the faculty of Sha’alvim for Women. S.E.M. stands (good-humoredly) for "Squeezing Every Minute" and represents an important philosophy at SFW: every minute counts and every minute can be used productively. Torah must be learned deeply and profoundly on the highest levels possible. However, even when you find that you have only a few moments, we believe that opportunities - like listening to this S.E.M. Torah - are always available…. if you know where to look!

Friday, March 1, 2013

SFW at the Jerusalem Marathon

Many of our students took part in Jerusalem’s 3rd Annual Marathon this Friday. Some ran 5K, some 10K and some a full marathon - all were winners in our eyes!

They braved the Jerusalem sun to raise money and awareness for various tzedaka and chessed organizations such as Team Yachad and Team Butterfly, Yachad, Aleh, HASC, Shalva, Chai Lifeline and others!

Kol Hakavod! Keep up the amazing work!

Shiur on Parshat Ki Tisa

Please click here to listen to a shiur (in Hebrew) on the parsha by the S’gan Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aryeh Hendler, shlit”a

For other shiurim at SFW, please click here

Shiur on the Haggada: The Split Hallel at the Seder

Please click here to listen to a shiur on the Haggada by SFW's, Rav Yamin Goldsmith. The topic of the shiur: The Split Hallel at the Seder

For other shiurim at SFW, please click here